Monday, March 2, 2009

Lets Cook!

Cooking to do:

-Start making more from scratch

-Get over my fear of knives (although my plastic knife I joyously picked up at whole foods is great for some things... you really just can't beat the real deal)

-Learn to "zest" things... that word always makes me flip to the next recipe in the book that involves things like chocolate! Or cinnamon! Or some sort of fruit that doesn't need to be "zested"... it really can't be that difficult. I'm going to attempt it.

-Get over my fear of gas stoves (When buying our new convection oven *woot woot* I wouldn't even get near the gas stoves in the store... yes thats right, the ones that didn't even work. After being told the story of how my mom burned her poor roommates eyebrows off by not knowing how to use a gas stove has forever freaked me out. I'm sure stoves have come a long way since then but I'm still playing it safe. Especially since she always says I remind her of that roommate. I can't help it! I'm very attached to my eye brows!).

-Learn to garden so I can grown fresh herbs and veggies and such... lets ignore the fact that I've never been able to keep a plant alive in my life. Well, other than what I so kindly referred to as the "love fern" which I tried and tried to kill but it just kept on survivin.

-Try out that thing that sits on top of the oven with all the circles on it.... now I am pretty sure it is used to make things other than ganache but I couldn't swear to it!

-Make these delicious looking recipes... listed in order of most do-able by Amy appearance:

Walnut Blondie with Maple Butter Sauce that I spent hours staring at on Bakerella

Smashed Chickpea Salad from Smitten Kitchen (just discovered this great blog today!)

...and last but certainly not least, Farfalle with Zucchini. A Yummy Summer Meal! From The Pioneer Woman (one of my favorite reads)!

Can you tell I'm hungry?